The search is on for the most outstanding communicators in Asia Pacific!
Do you know someone who has demonstrated professional communications excellence in 2022?
Now is your chance to nominate them for the IABC Asia Pacific 2023 Communicator of the Year Awards. The IABC Asia Pacific’s Communicator of the Year (CoTY) Awards program is a unique opportunity to acknowledge exceptional communication excellence and leadership.
Unlike most other communication awards programs, the Communicator of the Year Award celebrates the individual. The awards are not based on projects, but on the ability of a leader to deliver the very best communication day in, day out. It recognises and honours that strategic communication excellence. The honour will become a powerful statement that will support the winners’ careers for years to come.
The call for nominations is for two categories:
Executive Leader category is open to executives, who could be president, CEO, a C-suite leader, managing director, vice president, or head of private firms, organizations, or government agencies based in any Asia Pacific countries, who have demonstrated leadership in strategic communication excellence.
Senior Communication Professionals category is open to communication professionals in the Asia Pacific region, with at least ten years of work experience in the profession, who have developed and implemented effective communication programs to support their company’s or organization’s goals.
The nomination deadline for this year’s awards is on 1 March 2023.
To nominate and learn more visit IABC APAC: 2023 Communicator of the Year - IABC Asia Pacific Region - International Association of Business Communicators APAC (