Vale, Deb Ganderton

Deb was one of a kind. For us, she was an integral part of the IABC community:  a board member, a past President and a leader. But she was so much more. There are people in life that you are better for meeting, and Deb was one of them.

Faced with battles, Deb remained the most positive person in any room, or on any Zoom call. She was as practical as they come, fiercely loyal, brooked no nonsense, and made us laugh – a lot. She was always up for a party and the first with a glass of wine in hand and ready to chat at IABC events. She was terrible at invoicing, and we loved her all the more for it.

Deb was courageous, embraced fear as something to overcome and grow from, and was above all, passionate about communications. In her own career, Deb rose from communicator to CEO. She showed us all that being ‘in comms’ should not define or box us in, rather it meant that we possessed a unique blend of curiosity, skill and understanding that had strategic organisational value. Deb used that value to reach great heights, but they were not places to stop and rest, rather, they were positions from which to pull everyone else up alongside.

She would no doubt think we were all being a bit ridiculous fussing over her like this. Surely, she might say, we all have better things to be doing. Not today, Deb. We will miss you more than we have words for, and as communicators, that is the highest honour we can give you.



Oh, What A Night! IABC Victoria Gala